Monday, August 22, 2005

The Monster Factory's New Home

For everyone who didn't have a chance to drop by our open house last thursday we are posting some images of the new Monster Factory office. We have been here for just over two months but only last week were all the final renovations completed. So far we have really enjoyed the new space, it's been a nice fit for the three of us.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Monster Office-warming Party

Monster FUN! It turns out that if there is promise of cupcakes and kool-aid people will show up and that's exactly what happened this Thursday night.

Much thanks to all who came and visited us. We had a great time and we hope you did too. Here are some pics from the party.

Hi Jen!

Bliss' Family in ascending order

Adam and Lila hang out with the cupcakes

Jean chillaxes

Isaac knows how to make a monster face...

...more monster faces

Paula and Connie with their new friend Philip

Rhya, Alex, and Skye

Rhya, Esther, and Jen showing off their shoes...

To be continued...

Monday, August 15, 2005

Monsters in Seattle, hanging out with all the other wicked plushies at the Plush You show prestented by the wonderful Schmancy!
(Schmancy Blog here)