Monster Factory at Fan Expo 2006
This weekend we ventured into the unknown and participated in our very first comic book expo. It was held here in Toronto at the Metro Convention Center.
Part of coming to this convention is dressing up as your favourite sci-fi/anime/horror character. We were in the company of Darth Vadar, Spiderman, and several Luke Skywalkers. At one point I think I even saw a Goofy and this is just to name a few. All in all, it was an impressive sight.
Princess Leia was also there and I mean the real one, Carrie Fisher. She was there signing autographs. I was personally really excited about seeing Gates McFadden who played Dr. Beverly Crusher on Star Trek the Next Generation. Unfortunately I missed her autograph session and was very disappointed. Other celebrity highlights were: William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Linda Blair, Alice Cooper, and Rowdy Roddy Piper. Rhya would probably add the cast of Degrassi.
Okay, so I was a little starstruck...
Here are some pictures from our weekend:
Sad Bliss, Happy Rhya Happy Bliss, Sad RhyaThe Terminator, sans fleshAstro Boy a.k.a JoelPrincess Leia and BazStorm Trooper and WayneDarth Vadar and Patty...oh no!