Tuesday, October 17, 2006


"Wanna hang out?"

This photo is dedicated to my spider loving partner Adam.

It should be noted that I had nothing to do with the taking of this photo.
I was about 50ft away cowering like a coward as usual.

I believe this is a dock spider, but I am not 100%.


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Happy Fall!

From all the monsters at the monster factory, and these two wild guys.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Nuit Blanche
Hashis have a party in Queen's Park and then vanish!

On Saturday night the Hashi Brothers, came to Toronto to participate in the free festivities of Nuit Blanche, a seriously awesome contemporary art party thing.

setting up the lagoon
With the help of their friends Steve, Kyle and Rhya, The Hashi Brother's trucked downtown with a little bit of their lagoon in tow, (Hashis' like to feel at home as much as possible), including some of the lagoon light bugs, who were too lazy not to come. They set up directly in front of the Royal Ontario Museum off Queens Park, a great central location to enjoy all the night's fun.

all set up

the location

The Nuit Blanch party was a smashing hit.

new friends
Hashi's are very social and they made many new friends.

light show
Even the lazy light bugs got into the groove.

night time
It was heaven in the Hashi lagoon that night!

the fog
Their trusty helpers, decided to leave the brothers' party around 3.00am, since they wanted to check out some of the other events happening around town and maybe catch a couple of zzzzs.

This would be the last time Steve, Kyle and Rhya would ever see the eleven Hashi Brothers.

When they returned at 7.00am, all the Hashi's had mysteriously vanished, leaving their lagoon and lazy light bugs, totally unattended. The three friends looked all over for their the missing brothers, but came up empty handed. As far as they could tell the Hashi Brothers had become souvenirs of the Nuit Blanche.

We hope they have all found new homes.

For now their abandoned lagoon resides in Rhya and Kyle's basement, and the light bugs live in the upstairs hallway under the stairs...they are still very lazy.

P.S. If you happen to hear from a Hashi please let us know, we miss them.

for more lagoon and nuit blanche photos click here