The One of a Kind Show has Finally Wrapped Up.
As of Sunday night, 6:00 pm, this year's One of a Kind Show is officially over. Thank Goodness. We are pleased to report that the show exceeded our expectations and can be qualified as a bona fide success. It was gratifing to see such a warm reception to our fifteen new monsters as well as the continued popularity of the older favourites. We would like to thank everyone who came by our booth to check out the monsters and we would like to especially thank those of you (and there were quite a few) who dropped by to say how much you still enjoy the monsters you bought last year. It was most touching to hear that the Monster Factory's creations are bringing children (and let's face it, adults) continued joy.
The Monster Factory should also take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who came looking for a specific monster only to find them sold out. As was clearly apparent we had some 'stock' issues throughout the show and tried our best to make as many monsters as possible (who knew Kyle would be sooooo popular). For those of you still wishing to get your hands on a particular monster please feel free to email or call us at our studio and I'm sure we can make an arrangement. Plus, the D.U.D.E. show and our Studio Sale are both on the horizon too. So hopefully no one will get left out.
To end off it only seems fitting to recount the
Monster Factory Quote of the Show. As overheard last Wednesday at the One of a Kind.
A woman trying to direct her daughter's attention to our booth.woman - oh quick, come here!daugther (distracted) - what is it? woman - it's... it's something!